Bruce's '72 Nova: 2000

After a couple weeks of testing (with all going well), I drove it 860 miles in one day to Kentucky for the 2nd Annual Nova List Gathering. When I got there my clattering rocker arms reminded me that I hadn't done a final valve adjustment. I did that the next day but in doing so I found that two pushrods and two rocker arms didn't care for each other and were toast. I got socked at a Chevy dealership for $43 for two rockers and two pushrods. About a month later I completely broke a rocker arm, I think due to inadequate rocker stud clearance.

I bought another new rocker, clearanced it more than before, and all was well. Now I've got the Bow Tie heads and roller rockers, so it's no longer an issue.

I didn't make the 12s in the quarter as I had hoped, I only got down to 13.32@103.21 with the cutout caps removed, but I guess I'm okay with that. I just need a looser converter and some nicer weather (it was about 83 degrees with 100% humidity) to run the number. At least that's my theory!

I put about 7500 miles on the new motor in 2000 and except for the duration of the head swap and winter, it's my daily driver.

Here are the final 2000 specs for my car:

My Engine:

The Rest of the Driveline:

Chassis and Suspension:

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© 2020 Bruce Johnson and Craig Watson