Malignant mesothelioma is an uncommon, but no longer rare, cancer that is difficult to diagnose and poorly responsive to therapy. Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases.
To automotive enthusiasts, this comes into play when dealing with older brake pads and shoes. Prior to the discovery that asbestos is dangerous, it was commonly used at a friction material for brakes and clutches,so those of us who love to work on older vehicles need to be aware of the risks involved when dealing with original parts. Most likely the brake pads and shoes and the clutch disc will have been replaced long ago, but it's wise to know what you're dealing with. If in doubt, take careful precautions to prevent exposure to any possible asbestos dust that may be present.
For more information on this subject, here are a few links to websites on this subject:
Copyright © 2008 Bruce Johnson and Craig Watson