Basic Track Tech
These are the basic tech requirements to run at an NHRA-sanctioned 1/4-mile dragstrip. Enforcement varies from track to track, but it's always best to comply with the NHRA's rules for your own safety and that of others as well.
All vehicles:
- Must have coolant overflow bottle - minimum 16 ounce capacity
- No more than 12" of rubber fuel line on the vehicle
- All lug nuts in place, and the stud must engage the nut at least to a depth equal to that of the stud diameter
- Must have seat belts - factory okay, aftermarket belts must be replaced every two years
- Mechanical oil pressure gauge line must not be plastic
- Slapper bar-type traction bars must have safety U-bolt over the leaf springs
- Driveshaft safety loop when running 13.99 or better or running racing tires
- Minimum of one functional light on rear of vehicle
- Bring a helmet, some tracks require it be Snell-approved
- No leaks that could drip onto the track
- Neutral safety switch to prevent starting in gear (automatic transmission)
- Reverse lock-out
- No glass fuel filters
There are further requirements for convertibles and for cars running under certain ET thresholds. See the official NHRA rulebook for the latest general rules and specific requirements that may apply to your situation.
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Copyright © 2009 Bruce Johnson and Craig Watson