The First Annual Nova List Gathering
Part 1
(click on any image to see a larger version)

This is what my motel room looked like from the outside.  Nothing special, but it was away from the road by a block or so, and I felt more secure being on the ground floor with an external door and my Nova parked right outside my room.
We got up a little early (for a vacation, anyway) at about 8 am to get our cars ready for the racing.  It was sprinkling and the skies weren't looking too nice, although they had predicted 82 and partly sunny for the day.
Somehow I had to install a firewall between the trunk and passenger compartment to pass tech at the 'strip, since my battery is in the trunk.  I had rough cut a 19"x60" piece of sheet steel and threw it and some tin snips in the trunk before I left home Friday morning, now it was time to do some fast work!  I successfully cut it down to size to fit between my back seatback and the factory steel panel that the back seatback normally rests on.  Success!  Then I yanked my 6"x9" speakers and cut what little steel I had left into two 9-1/2" squares to cover the speaker holes in my rear deck.  It worked. More on passing tech later.

As I was cleaning up my car from Friday night's downpour, Rick (ThreeRRRs) came by to introduce himself and chat for a while (great guy!).  Craig stopped by too, but then went back to finish getting himself and his car ready to go.  This is Rick and his wife's Blazer:

Craig and Angella took off to grab a bite for breakfast while I finished up my car (yes, they did offer to pick up something for me, too...).  I called Shawn, told him to meet us at 11:10 and we'd head out to the track.  Craig and Angella got back and Craig loaded his Nova onto the trailer.
Nice setup he's got, huh?

We finally got off and running.  This is the first picture of Nova Extremely Mini Power Tour from the motel to the track:
The skies aren't looking too good, but they got better.  Much better!
See?  We knew we were in for a great day weather-wise.  The Mini Power Tour continued...
You're looking at two cool bridges and two cool cars, all of which will soon be over the Missouri River.
Oh, man, we're almost there!  I can almost smell the burning rubber!!
Here we are, about to pull in (beats pulling out...) :
Life is good...
We made it.  Took about 40 minutes on a nice, warm, partly cloudy morning.  Life could be worse.  A lot worse!

 So Shawn, Craig, Angella and I pull into the line awaiting the opening of the gates.  Here's the car that was in front of Shawn in line to get in.  There were Novas everywhere!
Not only were there Novas everywhere, but by the time the gates opened about an hour after we got there, there were about 50-60 cars waiting to get in, stretching down the approach road in both directions for a quarter-mile (ironic, huh?)!!  The scariest part was that there Shawn was with his 6-cylinder '72 and me and my total street car.  I'd say about 90% of the cars there were on trailers. Some had 'chutes, most had big ol' slicks, narrowed rearends...  Can you say "intimidating"?  I knew you could.
Anyway, Craig thought this would make a good time for him to hook up his battery disconnect switch (required if the battery is in the trunk) as Shawn offered moral support.  Or was he taking a snooze on Craig's fender?  I can't remember:

We finally got into the track and we all signed up for Trophy Street bracket racing.  We considered Test-n-Tune, but they said we'd get more runs in with brackets, and that's what we were after.  We found a nice pit area, unloaded our cars, and put all of our crap on Craig's trailer and into his pickup (thanks Craig!).
Craig unbolted his B.F. Goodrich Drag Radials and bolted on his M&H Racemasters.  I took off my BFG Comp T/As and installed Craig's Drag Radials.  Thanks again, Craig!  They look a whole lot more dragstrip-worthy than my street tires!
Gettin' ready for the racing (no center caps or trim rings allowed on the track)...
Did I mention that these Drag Radials were virtually treadless?  I was lovin' it (and so were my 60' times)!
Meanwhile, Craig was bolting on his wrinkle-wall D.O.T.-approved M&H Racemasters.
They are seriously sticky!
It was time to go through Tech Inspection!

More stuff from Saturday on the Next Page, but FYI, there are quite a few pics on the next page so it might take a little while to load them up.

Gathering Links...
The Trip to St. Louis:   Page 1   Page 2
Friday Night in St. Louis:   Page 1
Saturday:   Page 1   Page 2   Page 3   Page 4   Page 5
Sunday:   Page 1   Page 2   Page 3
The Trip Home from St. Louis:   Page 1   Page 2

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