Tire Fitment Pages

These pages exist to give Chevy II and Nova owners information on what size tires fit particular year Novas. If you have additional information about Nova tire fitment, or believe something to be in error, please contact us. Read through the tire fitment page for your year Nova before e-mailing me with questions, however, because that's what it's there for. Thanks to all who've given us information for this page; we couldn't have done it without you!

Stock Nova Tire Sizes
Possible Nova Tire Sizes
1962 - 1967 Examples
1968 - 1974 Examples
1975 - 1979 Examples

A big thanks to Scott Windle for the majority of the following information:

Stock Nova Tire Sizes
1962: 6.0x13 standard, 6.5x13 400 and Wagons
1963: 6.0x13 standard, 6.5x13 (4.5" BS) 400, Wagons and SS
1964: 6.0x13 standard, 6.5x13 400, Wagons and SS
1965: 6.0x13 on 13x4, 6.5x13 on 13x5.5, 6.5x14 on 14x5, 7x13 on 13x5.5, 6.95x14 on 14x5, 6.95x14 on 14x5 Wagons and V8
1966: 6.95x14 V8
1967: 6.95x14
1968: 7.35x14
1969: 7.35x14
1970: E78-14 standard (195/75-14), E70-14 (195/70-14) SS, rims: 14x5, 14x6, 14x7 SS
1971: E78-14 standard (195/75-14)
1972: E78-14 standard (195/75-14)
1973: E78-14 standard (195/75-14)
1974: E78-14 standard (195/75-14)
1975: E78-14 (195/75-14), FR78-14 (205/75-14), rims: 14x6, 14x7
1976: E78-14 (195/75-14), FR78-14 (205/75-14), rims: 14x6, 14x7
1977: E78-14 (195/75-14), FR78-14 (205/75-14), rims: 14x6, 14x7
1978: E78-14 (195/75-14), FR78-14 (205/75-14), rims: 14x6, 14x7
1979: E78-14 (195/75-14), FR78-14 (205/75-14), rims: 14x6, 14x7

Important Note (disclaimer)!!
First, we want to say that you really need to check carefully before you buy wheels and tires. The information on this page is legitimate and was collected from a wide variety of sources, but all cars are different. Size "X" tires fit one car with a 4.5" backspacing, but on the same generation car, another guy's same size tires required a 5" backspacing, and yet another guy's car required a 4" backspacing. You really need to check your own car as carefully as possible. The picture below may help.

Possible Nova Tire Sizes

1962 - 1967 Examples
1968 - 1974 Examples
1975 - 1979 Examples

Feedback and questions are always welcome, please click the "Contact" links if you'd like to leave some.

©2020 Bruce Johnson and Craig Watson