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Workin' on Karl's car, and getting ready to go racing!

Shawn, Shawn's car, lame-o Honda, Aren's car, Rich's car, and Karl K's car

Trying to figure out what's up with Karl's 'vert

Craig's ready to kick Jim's butt

Tony is ready to go drag his back bumper!

The caravan is underway with Neil's wife Barbara leading, then Chevystroker, then the Watsons, then the Banana

Do you think we got carried away with the mirror shots?

The BIG line of cars heading to MAD!

Behind the Banana were James, Tony, Scott Dahnke, John Heard, Lee, Rich, Photoman, Rob and Deb...

I pulled over to take pictures.  I wish.  Actually I forgot my helmet so I went back to get it.  Idiot!

Mid America Dragway - finally!

The pits.  Behind the tractor, I mean.

Craig gettin' jiggy wit it

Here's a vid of Craig barely yankin' the skinnies at MAD.  1.3 Mb

Here's Jim ekeing out the win over James Leonard.  1.3 Mb

This was the absolute pits!

'Nother pit shot

Craig sorting things out - or at least trying.

No racin' for Karl

Dave racing more?  Jim broke.  Soliday is cooling off.

Tony's broken parts

Heard's and Marshall's

Craig getting ready for another run

MAD's resident junker

Everyone's watching the racing

Larry broke and was on the trailer

Tony's '65 wagon

Fast truck!

Rob's motor

Rob's tranny pan

Scott and Craig Hitchcock's dad debating who can make the jump over Craig's hood.  Craig's understandably suspicious.

Bruce's bye run?

There goes $35 up in smoke

T.E. 1st round


Rich wins on Craig's breakout

Awaiting the final T.E. round

Still waiting...

Lining up

And here it is!  Rich won by .05 second.  Congratulations!

Bruce's Trip to KS

Craig's Trip to KS

Thursday Evening


Saturday Racing

Saturday Picnic


Bruce's Trip Home

Craig's Trip Home

G01 Awards and Stats